How Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy Works for Women

Most of the changes in your body after menopause result from falling levels of estrogen and progesterone, two key hormones that drove your reproductive cycles. They’re still made in your body, but at rates far below their former levels. Some women see little change in their lives while others endure drastic symptoms. 

Hot flashes and night sweats can be so severe for some women that they lose any sort of regular sleep pattern, causing far-reaching disruptions to their lives. Hormone replacement therapy has long been used to ease the severity of these symptoms. In recent years, focus has turned toward bioidentical hormone replacement therapy (BHRT).

At Dr. Kochert Pain & Health, Dr. Carolyn Kochert is a hormone replacement specialist, and she advocates the use of BHRT in subdermal pellets as the safest way to deliver consistent levels of the hormones you need to end uncomfortable menopausal symptoms. 

Here’s what you need to know about how BHRT works. 

What does bioidentical mean? 

A common misconception about the term “bioidentical” is that it’s synonymous with “natural,” but this isn’t the case. Bioidentical hormones are derived from natural plant sources, but they’re still lab-synthesized. Instead, “bioidentical” refers to a perfect match at the molecular level between replacement hormones and the versions found naturally in your body. 

It’s possible for some replacement hormones to have slight differences in molecular structure while still working as an effective replacement. Statistically, there are small risks associated with traditional hormone replacement therapy. It’s thought that these risks may be associated with those small chemistry changes. 

Bioidentical hormone supplements continue to resolve menopause symptoms while eliminating the chemical changes that might be responsible for some of the unwanted side effects. 

Delivery and placement of BHRT

Replacement hormones have a wide range of delivery methods, from pills and patches to creams, injections, gels, and pellets. Generally, your symptoms influence the way your hormone therapy is administered. For instance, if you’re only suffering from vaginal dryness, a topical cream or gel might be the best solution, delivering replacement hormones directly to where they’re needed. 

Dr. Kochert believes that in the case of systemic symptoms like hot flashes, the best solution is a consistent, steady supply of replacement hormones. In pill form, the dosage in your body constantly changes. It’s higher when the hormone enters your bloodstream and starts to dwindle until the next pill. 

To prevent these changes, she uses pellets implanted under your skin to supply replacement hormones directly to the bloodstream. This way they don’t have to travel through your digestive system or affect your liver. 

Pellets provide a steady dose of hormone that lasts for months. There’s nothing to apply and no pill to remember. And Dr. Kochert implants your pellet during a quick-and-easy procedure right in her office. 

Bioidentical hormones may be the answer to your menopause issues. Contact Dr. Kochert Pain & Health if you’re suffering from symptoms of menopause to find out more about BHRT and if it’s right for you. Book your appointment by calling the office in Lafayette, Indiana, or by using the convenient “request appointment” option located on our contact page.
